Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Safe Wax Removal Service

Safe wax removal.

For Adolescents and Adults

Microsuction:  A quick and safe ‘dry’-wax removal procedure using illumination provided by a microscope or a set of loupe lenses to visualise the ear canal anatomy. With the use of low pressure, gentle suction and ENT tools - ear wax is safely removed from the ear canal.

Traditional methods of wax removal also include water irrigation (syringing) and wax removal by curette (scoop).

For children age 5+

Due to a change in insurance, our clinic only provides water syringing (irrigation) or currette (scoop) wax removal services for children age 5+.

No microsuction is provided for children.

ENT Microscope and microsuction

Microsuction wax removal

Microsuction wax removal

ENT microsuction tools and consumables

Otopront microsuction pump

Water syringing (irrigation) wax removal

Water syringing (irrigation) wax removal

Lighted curette scoop wax removal

Lighted curette scoop wax removal

Interested? Contact us today to book your appointment.